Sunday, November 2, 2014

Destined by P.C. and Kristin Cast

     Destined, the ninth book in the House of Night series, was the best at the end. I’ll be honest, this one seemed like a lot of filler and leading up to stuff, until the ending of the book; WHICH WAS AWESOME!! I can now make a Pinocchio joke when I say that Aurox is a real boy (and so is Rephaim!!)! The whole Zoey having to wait, and wait, and wait to use the Seer Stone until she felt it was “right” was a little bit annoying though. I really think she should have used it during the whole tree incident (which isn’t really that big but I still won’t tell you about it). The biggest thing that came out of this book, for me at least, was Kalona. I knew eventually he was going to play the part he’s probably going to play in the books to come, but it still surprised me at the end. Even though I am finally kind of sure this is the last book in the series that I have read previously, I still didn’t remember a lot of parts that happened.

     I don’t want to do it, but I have to give this one a 3.4. The ending was absolutely amazing, but there were some things that seemed mildly pointless. I understand the whole marking new fledgings red as being important (honestly this isn’t even really a big spoiler or anything so don’t worry), but everything else involving the new character Shaylin seemed kind of useless so far. I’m not really sure if I care or not whether she’s in the next books, because from the sound of her gift it’s both going to be used for bad or for good, and no one is going to have any idea. The entirety of the ending is what brought this book up to the point five. If there had been more stuff like we saw in the end, woven throughout the book some more, I think it would have gotten a higher ranking. All of that being said, there was still a lot of stuff that I know is going to be important in the books to come. I don’t really know what, but I know there will be more. Thinking on that, it is possible I have read the next one and don’t remember anything except for parts about Erin. I am hoping that it is just time, and not lack of content, that has caused its removal from my memory. 

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