Friday, September 26, 2014

More Than This by Jay Mclean

     I more than a lot LOVED this book (read the book and you’ll get this reference). So much of this book was intense, and then the end blew my fucking mind. I don’t want to tell you any plot points in this book, I want no part in giving anything away. I can tell you there is a lot of drama, there is a lot of sadness and happiness, and a lot of sex (with a whole lot of detail).  The best I can do for you is give you the description you’ll see when you buy it (because you really, really need to).
In one night my fairytale ended. Or it may have begun. This is my story of friendship and love, heartbreak and desire, and the strength to show weakness.
One night I met a girl. A sad and broken girl, but one more beautiful than any other. She laughed through her sadness, while I loved through her heartbreak.
*This is our story of a maybe ever after.*
He was right. It made no difference whether it was 6 months or 6 years.
I couldn’t undo what had been done. I couldn’t change the future.
I couldn’t even predict it.
It was one night.
One night when everything changed.
It was so much more than just the betrayal.
It was the Tragedy.
The Deaths.
The Murders.
But it was also that feeling.
That feeling of falling 

     This book is worthy of a five, more than a five really, but that is as high as my scale goes. This book took you through your paces. The language is a little vulgar (I mean this in a good way), and there is a whole lot of sex going on; I tell you this so you can be prepared when you read it. There was so much in this book that I just loved, and I am still in shock over the ending, the beginning, the middle. The story, as a whole, is just a really beautiful one; while a great deal of this book is sad, it’s a beautiful kind of sad. The characters are an interesting mix that you either love or you hate, and while most of them are pretty relatable, and follow the path you expect them to take, they manage to shore up a few surprises (I am still reeling from the last two). While there were one or two things that seemed a little irritating while reading this book, those things were somehow tied together in the end, leaving everything to make perfect sense. I haven’t read the next one yet, but I can tell you I probably won’t do anything else but read it, and the others that follow this weekend.

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